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I acknowledge this form is for the legal release of professional or personal photos or videos taken of I or my child for the marketing & advertising purposes of Rather Bee Glamping LLC
I acknowledge the platforms of distribution of these photos or videos include, but are not limited to : Facebook, Instagram, Google, Trip Advisor, Website, ETC.
I acknowledge photos or videos will and could be used for Rather Bee Glamping's promotions, commercials, general adviertising, internet ads, ETC.
I give consent and agree for photos or video of I or my child to be released by Rather Bee Glamping LLC
I acknowledge this form releases/ waves any right, liabilities, claims or interest
I acknowledge Rather Bee Glamping LLC will not release my name or child's name regarding any photos or videos used in the course of advertising
I acknowledge there will be no compensation regarding release / use of photos or videos of I or my child
I acknowelge my signature is an agreement between I and Rather Bee Glamping LLC of the terms and conditions under this agreement